- When it comes to wanting to get rid of belly fat fast, doctors tend to be not very helpful.
- They tell you to lose weight very slowly, around 2 pounds a month, and to eat a variety of foods with an emphasis on grains and other carbohydrates since these form the base of the USDA food pyramid.
- But Dr. Mercola is an exception to the rule.
- He can help you to lose belly fat quickly by providing you with the real reason behind your weight gain which most doctors are not willing to tell you.
- Unlike most doctors, Dr. Mercola is not tied to any corporations or pharmaceutical companies. He is an independent thinker who for the last 12 years has been running the most visited natural health website on the net.
- After 20 or so years of studying the health problems of Americans and most people in the developed world, he has come out with a new digital product called Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough.
- For only $49, you are going to get 5 digital reports that according to Dr. Mercola will help you to not only lose weight, but also boost your immune system, increase your energy, bulletproof your health, and help you get rid of negative emotions.
- On the subject of ridding yourself of your belly fat, Dr. Mercola goes against the tendency of doctors and nutritional gurus of giving generic diet advice that is supposedly applicable to everyone.
- Instead, Dr. Mercola shows you in this new product that diet should be customized down to the individual level. This means that you have to get to know your body, and find out whether you are a protein type, a carbs type, or a mixed type, per Dr. Mercola's classification.
- So rather than follow some diet you read in a magazine, you follow your own diet that is tailor made for your body. That's why you will find that some diets work excellently for some people, but for others it turns out to be a miserable failure.
- But Dr. Mercola also shows you one component that all diet types have in common: a reduced intake of grains and sugars. This is what sets up apart Dr. Mercola from most of the medical establishment and the typical nutritional advice given nowadays, which focuses mostly on grains and carbohydrates.
- Dr. Mercola's argues that despite our low-fat, high-carb diets, we are fatter than ever, and that the only way to get back in line with our genetic programming is to reduce the quantity of sugar, grains, and fast-acting carbs we take on a daily basis.
- On the bright side of things, Dr. Mercola informs that some 'bad' foods like red meat, eggs, and coconut are actually good for you! Finally you will be exposed to the real truth behind the controversial issue of cholesterol and intake of saturated fat.
- Just with the nutritional advice given by Dr. Mercola in his Total Health Breakthrough, you could begin losing your belly fat fast, as your body switches from relying on sugars and grains to using its own body fat stores.
- But Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough package doesn't end there. Apart from diet advice, he will also show you how to get rid of negative emotions, drink water properly, get good sleep, how to exercise properly, and what essential supplements you have to take in order to have optimal health.
- Dr. Mercola wants to help you in all these areas because he believes that it's not just about your diet; if you want to lose belly fat quickly and want to have the best health of your life, you need to have all of your lifestyle factors in order, and that includes the health of your mind.
- As you can see, Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough is one of the most complete products that will help you to lose belly fat fast, and let you live your life to the fullest.
A.) How to get rid of belly fat easy
- Getting rid of belly fat has some great health and looks benefits that we all. And - it's not hard to do. If you follow a few simple rules, you too can get rid of your abdominal fat.
- Okay, as you've gotten a little older, not only has your wisdom expanded, but your waistline has, too.
- Now, don't get me wrong. A little fat on the old body is not a bad thing. In fact, you need a little bit to be healthy. In general, men should have no more than about 14% of body fat, and women should shoot for about 20 to 23%. If you are more than that, you may need to get rid of belly fat to get there.
- Where you carry your weight is also a big factor. In fact, if you carry most of your weight on your hips, thighs and butt, you're in luck. This is considered "healthy" fat storage in comparison to belly fat, because it doesn't impact your health nearly as much as belly fat. But if you're a man or you're a woman who has an "apple" shape, that belly fat can be dangerous. It's linked to health problems such as diabetes, heart attack and stroke. In short, you need to get rid of it if it's more than just very slight love handles.
- What causes belly fat? Well, of course, overeating causes belly fat. So does drinking. It's no mistake that downing a couple of beers every Friday night gets you what is called a "beer" belly. Alcohol must be consumed in moderation, if at all, in order to avoid a beer belly.
- Another cause of belly fat is the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone. When our ancestors were attacked by that sabertooth tiger, cortisol surged into their systems, along with adrenaline, which helped them flee. However, once the danger was past, they calmed down and their cortisol levels fell back to normal levels.
- Unfortunately, today, we're under such pressure and stress as a society that our cortisol levels can remain elevated all the time. This is because your nervous system is pretty primitive. If you're constantly flustered and stressed, running here and there, late for work, mad at the kids, not sleeping enough, getting too much caffeine, etc., etc., your cortisol levels go, "Okay, I need to kick in here, because you're in danger." And continually elevated cortisol levels cause us to store fat, where? You guessed it. In our bellies.
- Well, first things first. Take a look at your diet, honestly. Is it full of fats, sugars, simple carbohydrates, fast food, salt? If it is, no wonder. This type of food causes your blood sugar levels to zoom up and down, so that you eat a lot more than you need to in order to simply maintain your necessary calorie intake. In addition, it's not the least bit nutritional, so you're likely vitamin deficient if you eat a lot of this and not a lot of the other good stuff, like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and that sort of thing. And when you eat too much and too much of the wrong thing, bingo. You gain weight. And one of the most convenient places for to go is in your belly.
- So, to fix it, fix your diet. Cut out the junk food (or at least greatly cut down on it) and load up on healthy food. You want to concentrate on getting fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and a minimal amount of good fats like olive oil. Watch the saturated fats, including those in all animal products. And watch the salt, too, even though it's technically not going to make you gain weight. You may see the numbers drop on the scale when you drop the salt, though, since too much salt can make you retain water.
- Next, get out there and exercise. Simply walking for 30 minutes a day by taking the stairs at work, or parking farther away from your work's building and walking are simple ways to work out that aren't going to take much more time out of your day and don't require any "formal" exercise at all. Besides this, also start to focus on modest weight lifting. Simply lifting two cans of soup (one in each hand) when you're sitting on the couch watching TV is one way to begin to build muscle. Muscle is important because it helps burn fat. This means you burn calories even when you're resting once you have some muscle mass.
- Finally, get enough sleep. Cortisol levels fall when you feel rested and relaxed, and they rise when you haven't had enough sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you also tend to crave sweet foods and simple carbohydrates, which are bad for you. Most people need at least seven to eight hours a night.
- And that's it. Sounds simple, but with a little work (and enough sleep), as well as a good diet, you should get rid of that belly fat, or at least greatly cut down on it.
- Dan Weber is a diet and fitness expert. You can find his experiences posted at the get rid of belly fat page. Just follow along as he posts his thoughts about the subject, and learn how to apply them to your life.
Very nice information about How to Get Rid of Belly Fat